BIT Devlog/ changelogs #03

Hello everyone,

It has been a tough crunch week of making drastic changes to the game, so we finally submitted the game for the deadline of 27th August. We will continue working on the game to make it work since it has promising aspects.

Change Log | 27-08-2023


-Added Dialogue popups for the hallucination companion to guide the player

-When a combat player attacks an enemy on the back, they one-shot them, but if they attack the face, it takes more hits to kill them.


-Added Sound Effects to Sigurd's attack, taking damage, Healing sound effects, and music.

-Changed Enemy Vision cone material

-Added Visual Assets to the world and reworked the tutorial with it.

-Added certain Verticality to the level

-Improved Enemy AI to feel more organic as if he gets a glimpse of he walks to find him; when the player is found, he attacks normally, and if the player is too close, he shoots while running backwards.

-Added Visual for enemy taking damage

-Optimized combat player's attack to attack better in both directions 


-Fixed the Healing tent not healing

-Fixed enemy ray cast yet again due to it not detecting the combat player

What's Next?

We plan to improve the player movement, add cutscenes and dialogues for narrative aspects, make the ai better and improve and add more puzzles. With the submission done with, we will be working at a more relaxed, sustainable pace. 

Stay weird,

Dilly-dally Bruhs


Final build 2.2.rar 81 MB
Aug 27, 2023

Get Buddy In Time

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